Saturday 11 October 2008

18 weeks

Not the most flattering angle, but that's what you get when you have your 5 year old take the picture. I'm 18 weeks and 1 day along now and I have LOST 30+ pounds since I found out I was pregnant. Not exactly the direction the scale is supposed to move when your pregnant, and I am trying to eat well and enough. I have been having a problem with my blood pressure being low, on Monday my midwife came to take blood and she also did my blood pressure and it was 100/50 so that explains the dizzy spells and headaches and general not feeling well. It does frustrate me however that the first thing people say to me is, "Wow, you've lost some weight, you look great!" Under other circumstances that might be a welcome compliment, but the fact that I've felt horrible and I am pregnant, I just wonder if it's worth it. I went and bought new maternity jeans because my previous ones were too big so I got ones that were adjustable and now they are big on me as well, even after going through the dryer.

Anyway, 20 week scan will be soon and I will post those when we get them. We can't wait to find out what we are having! So do you think it will be a Penelope Esther or Clayton Ezra? Leave a comment to cast your vote.

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