We've only used disposable diapers for the first week and a half (once Clay's belly button and circumcision had healed) and have been full time reusable diapers ever since.
Here is what we've been using,
At home it is
-gdiapers with cloth inserts (that I got from two work at home mom online stores, http://www.nappyshoppe.com/ and http://www.cottonwoodbaby.com/ ). My favorites are from Nappy Shoppe called the g-flapper made with Bamboo Velour, Bamboo Terry and Hemp. They also have adorable diaper bags and other cloth diapering accessories, it's my one stop cloth diaper shop except for the gdiaper "little g" pants and flushies. I just stocked up on the medium size so when Clay outgrows the smalls, we are ready.

-Fuzzi Bunz size small with the inserts they came with(or g-flapper inserts), I got these super cheap because they are second hand, I know it sounds gross, but they were very well taken care of. I doubt I'll buy size mediums but they are great for newborns and they are good small babies.
-Bum Genius 3.0 one size pocket diapers - these are my favorite night time diapers because now that he doesn't poo at night, this will hold all night so I don't have to change in the middle of the night - HUGE plus for me! I have used both inserts that come with them for nighttime SUPER absorbency. I am slowly increasing my stash of these because they are so versatile. We are now phasing out the horrendeous pull ups for Robbie and he can fit these as well so it will be great until Robbie is able to stay dry at night.

When we're out and about it's the gdiapers with the flushable inserts. I got a ton of the flushies for my shower and gdiapers will exchange for the next size up if I still have unopened packages.
Here is what I love...
-I have NOT had one single BLOWOUT since saying goodbye to disposables! You know, up the back and out the legs and everywhere. With Robbie, every time he fed, he blew out all over himself and me. It was horrible. I can't tell you how many times I had to give him a bath in the sink when we were out (nearly every week at church) because he would get it all the way in his hair. Hasn't happened at all with Clay once we switched, even when he's been strapped in the carseat!
-No rashes
-Saves money - I figured out that I have spent nearly $6000 on diapers and pullups in the last 5 years for Natalie and Robbie. So far I've spent a lot of money, about $700, but I won't have to buy anything else and when we have baby #4, I've already made the investment.
-Don't get caught running out unexpectedly with a need to run out to the store, just do a load of laundry!
Also, it's only increased my laundry by 2 loads a week, but it's evening out because I haven't lost outfits to poop stains all over the legs and back. I thought the laundry was going to be too much for me, but it isn't. Washing diapers is so easy. I just put the soiled ones in a dry pail (no messy water soaks required) and I wash every other day. I have a front loading washer and I'll do a cold wash with no detergent to get the poo off, followed by a hot wash with 1/4 of the amount of a "free & clear" detergent without additives (no bleach, fabric softener, fragrances, brighteners, etc.), sometimes I add BacOut or OxyClean if I feel they need it and finally a cold wash without detergent to make sure there are no more bubbles so I know all the detergent has been rinsed out. Then I dry on low or hang them. Did you know hanging in the sun works better than Clorox?
The thing I hate most about laundry is the folding and putting away, but I am not finding that to be a problem with a diaper load because everything goes to the same place.
I will say, that except for my night diaper, you can't leave these on for more than about 3 hours with out leaks (which it isn't good to even leave a sposie on for that long either), but I am finding that I really like these and I don't see myself going back to disposables ever again!
For some reason, hanging whites on the line overnight makes them even whiter! Who knew?!
I used cloth diapers with Dan 23 years ago and I loved to see them all hanging on the line all white and clean! Those were squares with pins and all that folding though!
that's awesome! my mom used cloth on me & my little bro, she used to put cheap old white vinegar in the rinse then hang them on the line, both are sterilizing & whitening. i think she puts lemon juice in the whites too before they go on the line (my parents have never owned nor wanted a dryer.)
now i still put vinegar in the rinse, it helps get the residue off & softens the clothes too.
your kids are gorgeous btw, i wish i could come to England for a visit...sigh.
What a big pacifier..! LOL
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